Can Being Nicer to Kids (and Families) Make a Difference?: Valentine’s Challenge Day 3

The challenge is to fit activism supporting kids and education into our daily lives, yes?  What if being an activist was as easy as being nice?  Check out this article about a correlation between parental affection and a larger hippocampus.  Yes, I am saying that the challenge for today is to be sweet to the kids in your life.  Hug them.  Support and affirm them.  Very Valentine’s Day.

To take this “being nice” activism stuff to the next level, what does it take?  Here are some ideas:

  • Check out and get active with Family Forward Oregon, which works to develop and support public and workplace policies for healthy families.  These include maternity/paternity leave policies, in addition to other things.
  • If you’re a mom, look into the Mother PAC, which works to advocate for families, healthy environments for kids, flexible work schedules, access to health care for children and families, etc.
  • Speaking of organizations that work to make the lives of kids and families better, I must give kudos to Oregon Healthy Kids.  If you know any families worried about health insurance coverage for their family, this organization is amazing and uses a sliding scale.  Well done, Oregon!

So, today’s challenge is a love fest.  Love your kids, show some love for organizations that support healthy, happy families, and spread the word about Oregon Healthy Kids.  Done and done.

Have a happy weekend, and spread the word about the Valentine’s Day Challenge!



One thought on “Can Being Nicer to Kids (and Families) Make a Difference?: Valentine’s Challenge Day 3

  1. Pingback: Fitting Activism into Your Daily Life: A Brief Guide |

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